Custom Services

Birth is satisfying

If you’ve never heard this then, I’m happy to be the first to tell you!

This is true!

So many woman talk about the scary time they had during pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum. Telling their story and passing on their fears and anxiety to every pregnant woman in front of them.

Your story doesn’t have to be this way!

You can have the support you desire and deserve, the help that will encourage you to move past these fears and anxieties, and into the direction of a Birth Story that will encourage other women and not scare them.

Services offered are as follows:

  • Initial VisitWe will discuss your upcoming birth, and develop a teaching plan based on your assessment.
  • Prenatal VisitExecute education plan, answer questions you may have . Inform you of all options and choices that are available to you.
  • Birth Planning

    We will develop a birth plan that fits your goal. This plan will be developed by you and you will receive the tools necessary to present this to the rest of your birth team. Questions will be answered to ensure you give informed consent when making decisions for your birth. Our goal is to ensure you are at ease no matter what your birth looks like ahead of you.

  • Phone, Text, and E-mail Support– available during business hours once contract is signed. A way for us to stay in touch and get answers to any (non-emergent) questions that may arise during pregnancy and preparation for your birth.
  • Labor Support

    Support begins 2 weeks from estimated due date (EDD), 24 hour on call service, I will come to your home or meet you at the hospital/birth center, depending on our planned written agreement.

    Doula to stay with you a maximum of 2-3 hours after delivery.

  • Post-partum VisitDesigned to meet your individual needs with the support of newborn care, breastfeeding, sibling adjusting to role, and more.

     *All visits are customized for your own specific needs.